Saturday, August 19, 2006

Settling in and Some Advice for Writers

It's our 11th anniversary and we're surrounded by boxes and all sorts of detritus, but the move went well and this is indeed a great location. It's also a huge frickin' house, much bigger feeling now that we're in it. I can't imagine how people can live in monster mansions. This place is on the order of 1500 square feet, and anything larger would certainly have to be designed a little tighter on the floor plan.

Anyhow, as I gird my loins for another run at the mess in the garage, here's a great piece of advice for writers from the blog Tricks of the Trade:

If you take your laptop with you everywhere and use it constantly, you're liable to get a build-up of hairs, crumbs, and other detritus in the keyboard. To clean them out, take a Post-It note (the new 'super sticky' kind especially good for this) and run the adhesive edge through the cracks in the keys. Doing this is also a great way to stall when you can't think of what to write next.

Oh my God, this is the BEST writing advice anyone has ever given me! I pulled the equivalent of a cocker spaniel out of my keyboard.
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